Channel Tiling for Improved Performance and Accuracy of Optical Neural Network Accelerators

Published in ArXiV, 2021

Recommended citation: Li, S., Miscuglio, M., Sorger, V.J. and Gupta, P., 2020. Channel Tiling for Improved Performance and Accuracy of Optical Neural Network Accelerators. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.07391.

The original channel tiling paper, which proposed a tiling method to significanlty improve the utilization of free-space optical neural network accelerators.

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BibTeX citation:

@article{li2020channel, title={Channel Tiling for Improved Performance and Accuracy of Optical Neural Network Accelerators}, author={Li, Shurui and Miscuglio, Mario and Sorger, Volker J and Gupta, Puneet}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.07391}, year={2020} }