Massively parallel amplitude-only Fourier neural network

Published in Optica, 2020

Recommended citation: Miscuglio, M., Hu, Z., Li, S., George, J.K., Capanna, R., Dalir, H., Bardet, P.M., Gupta, P. and Sorger, V.J., 2020. Massively parallel amplitude-only Fourier neural network. Optica, 7(12), pp.1812-1819.

The first work on real-time programmable DMD-based free-space optical neural network accelerator.

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BibTeX citation:

@article{miscuglio2020massively, title={Massively parallel amplitude-only Fourier neural network}, author={Miscuglio, Mario and Hu, Zibo and Li, Shurui and George, Jonathan K and Capanna, Roberto and Dalir, Hamed and Bardet, Philippe M and Gupta, Puneet and Sorger, Volker J}, journal={Optica}, volume={7}, number={12}, pages={1812–1819}, year={2020}, publisher={Optica Publishing Group} }